Saturday, November 17, 2007

when it's cold outside...

our street

... there are two reactions you can have when it's cold outside, food-wise. You could embrace it and start making all kinds of season-appropriate, warming foods. Or you could get all disoriented and start looking longingly through your food photos from the summer. I've gone for the second option tonight. The photos of the snow are new. The food is a few months old.

our front porch, our impeach sign

Here, we have some saffron-infused whole wheat couscous, with a medley of fresh summer veggies (broccoli, tomatoes, onions, garlic) and black-eyed peas, finished off with cilantro and lime juice. This was a delicious and colorful meal.

the way we ate... in August

Don't worry, I'm not going totally crazy, I know how to embrace winter too! But for tonight, can you please leave me ... with my memories?

But wait, there's more! The wonderful Meesh blogged recently about the freakish disappearance of nipples from photographs of women's bodies. Well, I found an example of this during a recent trip to the bookstore that was so blatant, it would be laughable if it wasn't so sad. Eh, it's still laughable. Check it out:

for shame, People Magazine, for shame

Here are two versions of the same photo of Katie Holmes running the NYC marathon. Us Magazine, on the left, has kept the nipples. People Magazine, in an act of either prudishness or ass-kissery, has decided to genteelly Photoshop them out. What is wrong with this picture?



SaraJane said...

Is it wrong that I looked at your snow pictures and immediately got excited? I freaking love snow. This is my first full winter in Canada and the winter can't get here fast enough.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be wrong-er to look at Katie's photos and get excited, but that's just me. oops, did I just say that?

Lori- the Pleasantly Plump Vegan said...

you know, i've never seen snow, that i remember anyway. that makes me so cold just lookin' at it.

TB said...

omg bazu, we're having frigging santa anas and heat waves still out here in cali, so i'm gazing longlingly at your snow pictures... please pack up some of that chill and mail it out here, ok?

Teresa said...

Memories of summer are what get me through the winter so don't let anyone take them away from you!

So is she supposed to look better without nipples?

Anna said...

Ha, that's funny about the people magazine photoshop job. One of the first things Josh noticed when he came to Oz to live was that the fashion mannequins in this country are often "anatomically correct". Yes, here in Australia, it seems we embrace the nipple... :)

I love the snow photos--and this plate of food is so colourful and cheery. The previous post is amazingly packed with goodies too!

Anonymous said...

It's snowing here. Err, in Scotland. I can dream.

Hey, come see my adorable adopted turkey! She's so lovely, I want to show her off!

Mary Worrell said...

Well, her nipples are all over the place in the first one, but that happens to the best of us.

And I would be wear a sports bra to the marathon...damn, Katie!

Anonymous said...

ick, snow. we havent had snow yet but its definately cold & rainy.

the food looks so good.

bazu said...

Sarajane, no, it's not wrong! The snow has actually been really beautiful so far. Talk to me in a few months though...

Celine, you are naughty! I'm being dead serious here. ;-p

Pleasantly Plump Vegan, you should come up and play in some snow!

Textual Bulldog, I'm sending you all my cold energy. Please send me some of your S.A. winds. Kthx.

Maybepigscanfly- thanks! And yeah, I guess People thought the nipples were unflattering? So they were doing her a favor?

Veganista - that is too funny! I guess I'm thoroughly American in that regard, because the few times I see "anatomically correct" mannequins, I just stare in awe. ha!

KathyF, I saw her! Cicada is so beautiful! I hope she and Whisper are playing happily.

Okra Mary, I know! My first thought was, she ran 26 miles without any support? Yeouch!

Selina, I think Syracuse has the "honor" of being ahead of most places in snow!

Anonymous said...

No way, I can't believe you already have that much snow! I'm so jealous... I adore snow and I can't wait for it come here!

Anonymous said...

You never know, maybe Us Mag photoshopped the nipples in...? I don't know how she could have managed without a sports bra, especially with that post-pregnancy rack. Ouch.

Anonymous said...

hahah I saw that picture in People. that veggie couscous bowl looks delicious! and I'm so jealous you live where it snows. dang southern CA.

KellytheCulinarian said...

I'm going home to Chicago on Thursday and I'm a little scared at what it's going to be like weather wise.

And when did nipples become obscene? Shame on them.

urban vegan said...

The photos are beautiful, Bazoodle. I can almost hear the wintry stillness....Stay warm, you two.

I do understand your nostalgia about summer food. That's why I love paging through Nigella Lawson's book "Forever Summer." But the seasonality--the space between winter and summer--only enhances the tension and makes us appreciate being in the present at summer more.

I laughed at your observation on the curious disappearance of nipplage. Omniman and I got a Taschen book catalog in the mail and all the women's nips had smiley faces blocking them! I mean, c'mon. We all have nipples.

Which brings me to my next point...why must women's nipples be covered, but not men's? Sometimes, I'm reall;y embarrassed to be American.

[Excuse my wierd tone. I'm listening to Keith Jarrett. He makes me punchy, for some reason]

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

haha, the view out your window looks somewhat similar to my view :0)

mmm, the saffron-infused whole wheat couscous with vegetables & black-eyed peas looks incredible!! I could definitely enjoy that dish right now...

oh dear, those pictures are the epitome of "airbrushing/touch-ups gone wrong"

the little one said...

I love this combination of vegan and feminist posting. Folks, even with a sports bra, we do have nipples. I run a fair amount (not as much as I should though) and always have nipplage in the cold (for CA) weather. Interesting our society's obsession with women's breasts. All us women got em!

Pink Theory said...

like others, when i saw the snow picture i got *so* jealous b/c i love-love-love cold weather! Its a good excuse to just be lazy and cozy up at home with vegan hot chocolate or something! and yes, its still laughable

Amey said...

I know people are into the snow, but I am so totally fascinated by the nipple issue. Amazed! What is up with that? Are nipples naughty? Scary? Threatening? Dirty? Very interesting.

Musty says maybe US Magazine added them IN. Also, now he is obsessed with the word "nipples" and wants to name our next pet Nipples. Sigh!

Thank you Bazu for your loving comments and emails. They have been a bright spot in my last couple of weeks. I'm finally getting to my inbox (slowly) & I'm planning to follow up on your offer... xo

Anonymous said...

I don't know what urban vegan has, but I DO have smiley faces as nipples. Truthfully. Maybe she's some kind of freak of nature with real nipples but I think smiley faces is the way to go ;p

No really, it is totally silly. A nipple is a nipple and everyone has them. What's the big deal? Are nipples really THAT exciting and scary?