Happy new year and new decade, everybody! 2009 was a year of great change, and surprise in my life, and so I know that 2010 will be very different. Those differences will also be reflected in this blog- look for a new address, a new design, and new directions for Where's the Revolution? in the next few weeks. I hope that you'll join me for a new journey!
- learn to make sprouted grain bread like Ezekiel
- make injera
- read 200 books (inspired by Elizabeth)
- keep a journal (including dream journal)
- visit 10 cities I've never visited
- get a job, pay off credit card debt
- be better than I've been lately about drinking water and taking my vitamins
- write, create writing portfolio, send out articles for publication
- keep in touch better with friends- letters, emails, cards, care packages, phone calls
- revamp this blog!