Thursday, October 02, 2008

eating without utensils

Day 2: Canterbury, England

I don't know about you guys, but I go through some pretty serious transition periods before I can cook and eat normally. Usually, the period before or after a vacation, before or after a major deadline, or before or after an illness or a major occasion are times when I don't necessarily eat according to my normal routine. 

Such was the case when we first got to England. In addition to dealing with a new culture and a new time zone, Daiku and I had to deal with a totally unfurnished flat. We were in a little bit of a limbo, since the school had said that we would have a fully outfitted kitchen, and we didn't know if we should go and buy a bunch of stuff or wait to sort out the situation. We ended up only getting a couple of absolute necessities (mugs for tea and coffee!!), in addition to a few dishes we had pilfered from the airplane ride over (thanks Virgin Atlantic!) and so for our first week or two here, we were eating very basic convenience foods. 

Yet we still managed to eat pretty well and have some fun. In the top photo you see some salad greens and tomatoes, some Pure brand vegan margarine, some Pateolé brand mushroom veggie pate, and funnest of all some Cheezly gouda-style vegan cheese! All of them have the advantage of being perfectly edible with little more than a few plastic forks and knives and some bread.

In the second photo, you see some instant tomato soup (just add boiling water!) and some toast with melted Cheezly on it. Cheezly, straight out of the package, wasn't too thrilling, but it is much much better when melted. It made the perfect accompaniment to the warm soup on a cool day. Now I'm addicted to it and can't wait to try other flavors (and Sheese too!)

Finally, you have a salad with some mixed greens, tomatoes (have you ever tried to cut tomatoes with a plastic butter knife? not fun!), beans (from a pop-t0p can since we didn't have a can opener), and some hemp seeds which I had brought with me from the U.S. Even though it was very basic, it felt luxurious to be eating fresh veggies during those first days in our new home!



trina said...

I am just so excited for you. I love that unsettled, being in a new place time filled with cans of beans and what not. Have fun. And good luck hunting down a can opener.

Anonymous said...

I am sorry you didn't have kitchen stuff! That would have been hard! I hope it all worked out?

Cheezly! I have always wanted to try it...and will have to let us know what you think!


allularpunk said...

what a bummer not to have a stocked kitchen! still, that looks like some pretty awesome convenience food..mmm

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

Eek, I'd go nuts if I didn't have a stocked kitchen - hang in there, Bazu!!

tofufreak said...

aaaah life sounds so fun without a stocked kitchen! i think my kitchen is overstocked and therefore messy. anyhoooo your food looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

You are on a real adventure but eating vegan in the UK is actually superb so lucky you!

Isil Simsek said...

So you are here in England finally.I'd love to meet you if you'd like to.
I'm not a great fan of vegan cheeses but I sometimes buy Redwood's cheeses.As you say they are better when melted.

Isil Simsek said...

oops,sent the comment by mistake :)
Hope you have a more equipped kitchen.Even so,your food is gorgeous!Have fun!

donesmoking said...

did you notice a difference in how the tomatoes taste?

maybe its just me...

JENNA said...

Horray for being in England! Boo for an unequipped kitchen. Hope it all works out. I love seeing all the foreign brands of soy milk, margarine and cheese. My favorite thing to do in Europe is visiting grocery stores to see all the different brands that we don't have.

Kati said...

Wow, gouda Cheezly. That sounds amazing! Good luck sorting out your kitchen.

Bethany said...

I love cheddar cheesly. Luckily our local vegan store carries it.

you have ot try redveg and 222 veggie vegan. very delicious. I had a lot of fun in England and we ate really well. If you have a chance, check out Brighton. They have some good food there too. They even have a vegetarian shoes store.

Melisser; the Urban Housewife said...

I love the Cheezly in a grilled sandwich, Pure on the outside, pre-toasting!