Monday, October 22, 2007

200th post!!

Ok, I titled this the "200th post!!" , partly to draw attention away from the fact that I
got to Boston late got overwhelmed the lighting was bad didn't get any good photos from Boston Veg Fest!

So I will try to distract you guys by pointing out that this is my 200th blog post!

And saying look who I got to meet! Susie on the left and Nikki (from I Love Heeze) on the right!

And the wonderful and talented Emilie from Conscious Kitchen- look at this cake that she baked!

And I got to taste some of the chocolatey, hazelnutty goodness that was that cake!!

And after the fest, at dinner, look at these gorgeous Cambodian rolls we got to eat at Elephant Walk restaurant!

And I got Veganomicon! And came home and promptly baked my first recipe from the book-

A pound cake!! Woooooo!

Did I do a good job of distracting anyone? No? Well, I have to apologize, but the fact is that the Veg Fest was incredibly crowded, claustrophobia-inducing, and hectic! We got to eat some good food, but in general, the samples this year didn't measure up to last year's stuff. One good thing was the ice cream from the Ice Cream Project - there was white Russian, pumpkin, peanut butter, and many other flavors. We tried espresso. Let's just say, this is reason enough to feel jealous of people who live in Boston.

What ruled this year was getting to meet a bunch of awesome people. Everything else you need to know, you can get by looking at my VegFest posts from last year.

Finally, a word of gratitude. When I posted last week about feeling a little lost in blogging, I never expected to get such an outpouring of support and wisdom from you guys! To everyone who wrote such incredible, smart, kind, and encouraging comments, I don't know what to say other than THANK YOU. It means the world to me that you guys read this blog and enjoy it as much as I enjoy all of yours. I promise to stretch my creativity muscle as much as it takes to be sure to keep blogging, and continuing to be part of this amazing community.




Unilove said...

Hi Bazu :)

What makes your blog so enjoyable a read, is more than great recipes, fun stories, educational posts, and absolutely amazing is your sincerity and honesty.

Blog on happily! :)


Candi said...

I wish I didn't have to work on VegFest day! Then I'd be caught in the over crowded, claustrophobia-inducing, and hectic place, but I'd have gotten to meet you! I see Nikki up there!! :) You look beautiful in your photo! Mmm, the white russian ice cream sounds interesting! I am very envious of the new cookbook you got! The pound cake looks great!

Hope you had a nice trip, and maybe next year I will get to join in and get some photos with *you!*

Anonymous said...

heeze and bazu together in the same room? my heart would have failed me!

LizNoVeggieGirl said...

ahh such great pictures, even if you don't think so ;0) Emilie's cakes are ALWAYS incredible, and the one she made for VegFest looks spectacular; how fun that you got to see Heeze!! I love when bloggers get together!!; oooh those ice cream flavors from the Ice Cream Project sound incredible (especally the peanut butter and the pumpkin flavors); I've pre-ordered Veganomican, and I can't WAIT to look at the recipe for that poundcake, when I get my copy - yum!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on making it to your 200th post! May you have another wonderful 200 to come, and then some!

I'm so sad I missed out on awesome vegan ice cream... and meeting all of you guys, of course. Glad you had fun though. :)

Kati said...

Oooh, happy 200th! Boston looks like it was fun, even if it didn't quite live up to last year's festivities. The ice cream sounds like it was worth the trip...and of course, meeting some more fabulous vegan bloggers! And Emilie's cakes! *swoon!*

Susan Voisin said...

Happy 200th post! Here's to the next 100!

I have to tell you that I'm enormously jealous of you. I would LOVE to live close enough to have gone to the Fest. It must be great to get to meet other veg bloggers and sample the food. Grrrr. (Jealous growling!)

Plus, my husband was in Ithaca a couple of weeks ago and came home with stories of all the amazing vegan food he'd eaten at non-vegan restaurants. That's unheard of here. Grrrr again. It may be cold there, but when you go out to eat, you don't have to resort to Taco Bell!

Emilie said...

It was so good to meet you, even under such crazy circumstances! It was sad to see you getting trampled in the aisle! I can't believe I didn't get to try the ice cream, but lucky for me it should soon be regularly available to me. Which is, clearly, a dangerously good thing! Now if I could just have your pound cake available to me on a regular basis too, I'd be in good shape.

Nikk said...

It was so good to meet you finally!

The pickled okra is a thing of awesomeness. I am forever grateful! :)

Ashasarala said...

I'm sorry I missed you! It's a shame that I'm so new to all this. I didn't know who was who!

I agree that it was way too crowded in there, but it makes me happy- vegetarianism is getting more and more popular every year! I think they need to consider finding a bigger spot for next year. I was starting to get hot and aggravated after the tenth person walked into me. I didn't really get any pictures, either. I was too confused and flustered!

Weren't Emilie's cupcakes so good? I took some home as an 'after event' treat. :)

That ice cream, of course, was amazing too! I tried peanut butter. I thought I was in heaven. They'll be opening up in Kendal Square, so it's just a train ride away from me! I'm not trying to gloat. I am just very excited because Boston had so few vegan goodies available for so long. I feel like crying, I'm so happy! haha

And yes, do keep blogging, even if you're talking about your favourite color! Your writing is funny, unique and always inspiring. :)

aTxVegn said...

200 wonderful posts! Congratulations and thank you for all you bring to our vegan blogging community.

Even though the Veg Fest was overcrowded, it's good to know there was such a great turnout.

My new cookbooks should arrive next week!

Anonymous said...

How come we were at the same dinner and didn't meet?

bazu said...

Isa! I was sitting at the cool LITTLE kids table. boooooo!

Jody from VegChic said...

Hey Bazu...I was bummed that I didn't get seated at the kids table too!

Yeah vegfest was uber crowded and I'm actually wondering whether I want to go next year.

The ice cream was good. I tested the espresso and got the pumpkin. ---Should have stuck with espresso.

Hope you guys like the soap!

Rural Vegan said...

Congrats on the 200th post, Bazu! And welcome home from the Veg Fest. That cake is stunning!

urban vegan said...

Pix look mighty fine to me. I am so jealous! Looks like such a wonderful, inspiring event to attend.

And of course everyone loves Bazu's blog....It's a reflection of you--the smart, opinionated, sassy, food-lovin', itchy-footed vegan we all know and love. We wouldn't want it any other way.

Unknown said...

whoa my gosh, happy 200th!
and that shot of you and cake is the most adorable pic! seriously. so jealous I wasn't at the fest.
I must go to emilie's blog now and drool over the cake some more...

Anonymous said...

great post!!! that poundcake looks so good!

Anonymous said...

congrats on 200 posts!! i'm about to hit 100, haha. i NEED Veganomicon. pound cake.. mmm.

Anonymous said...

Happy 200th post--what an accomplishment! Congrats and keep it up...your blog truly is a wonderful and rich source of information and recipes for vegans.

I miss the Boston Veg Fest! It looks like you had a nice time!


Bridget said...

200! That is awesome! I am looking forward to the next 200.

That cake...OH. MY. GOD. That is a work of art. Beautiful.

Pound Cake. Rimmy thanks you.

Jen said...

Oh, my goodness, that CAKE. Wow.

And on your blog, Bazu, it's precisely the intersection of politics and food and environmentalism that make it so interesting! And the glimpses you give us into the compassionate and concientious life you lead are inspiring. I learn a lot, feel motivated to live better, and enjoy a sense of community because of our shared goals and lifestyles. This blog is great! Viva la revolution!!!


Teresa said...

No need to apologize for not getting any pictures- the one's you've shared are great! Wow, I'd love to try those ice creams. And the pound cake recipe looks like a success!

Yay to blogging and veg festivals!

Anna said...

Yay! Post 200! Congratulations. I enjoyed the peek inside the veg fest and the photo of you with cake made me smile. And I'm so jealous--you have Vegonomican? I pre-ordered from Amazon and there's no word yet that it's been sent. Grr. Vegan pound cake--that's very exciting, and yours looks fabulous!

Oh yeah--re your peanut sauce question. The standard one I use is a package mix, an Indonesian brand named "Enak Eco" sold in small boxes in Asian grocers here (and hopefully the US? somewhere?). I get the "bumbu pecal" tasty.

Anonymous said...

Happy 200th!

Ooooooh, that cake is making me drool!

anna/village vegan said...

Oooh, that looks like so much fun. I'm so jealous of all the people that got to go to the veg fest. I definately have to go next year. (I've never even been to Boston. How embarassing is that?)

I didn't see your last post until now (bad internet connection here), but I'm so glad you're going to continue blogging. Your blog was one of the first vegan blogs I started to read, and it's one of my favourites. I like your stories and the variety of things you post about-- food, animal rights, politics, etc. I feel like I've gotten to know you a bit through your blog, and I'd be sad if you disappeared!

Sarah P said...

congrats on 200! ...I just hit 2.

I was at the veg fest, but passed by the ice cream stand because it was too crowded. I spent an awful lot of time near the conscious kitchen table, though...

Vegan_Noodle said...

Woohoo for your 200th post!! That's awesome. Vegfest sounds like it was a worthwhile time...wish we even had a vegfest down here. And your pictures weren't bad :-)

Amey said...

I can't believe you got to eat something baked by Emilie. - wistful sigh -

Congrats on 200 posts... I noticed the other day that I am up to 170 or something. I always forget to look at that!

When will my Veganomicon arrive??? I want to join in the fun!

TB said...

Yay 200! Happy milestone :)

That pound cake looks amazin' and I can't wait to make it. My Veganomicon came today.

All that food looks awesome... hey, you should let me know when you come to Cali next because we should get together for some hot vegan food in LA!

Thistlemoon said...

Yum yum! Did you say Hazelnut Cake? Wow that cake sure is beautiful! This is a great blog full of really thoughtful posts and wonderful food! What a great addition to The Foodie Blogroll! Welcome!

dreamy said...

That cake looks delicious :d

Unknown said...


Did I meet you and not realize it?! If we didn't meet, why didn't we? I'm sad!

Vanessa said...

congrats! just wanted to also say how much the veg blog community appreciates you. Such unbridled words and wit!